That martyr mentality seems to be so common. Make it a moment of connection where you finally agree with their passive aggressive ways. #holidaysurvival #holidays
I found that leading this conversation with letting them know that your intention is to be closer to them can help diffuse the need to defend. ##MentalHealth##boundaries##selflove##relationships#
My brain doesnt care that its daylight savings time. Neither does my dog. Get up its time to feed me. #daylightsavings #daylightsavingstime #tiemchange #denver #colorado
Highly sensitive people are a special thing in this world that expects the typical version of strength. Think of it this way, if you are able to navigate the world and keep that softness and authenticity in the face of constant ridicule. That is strength. Just trying to find my fellow HSPs so don’t be afraid to say hi and tell me your story. #hsp #sensitive #highlysensitiveperson #selflove #SelfCare
Last nights election was upsetting but not surprising. We have a lot of work to do and all I ask is please don’t quit. Apathy is exactly what they want and I won’t participate in that.